Heart Health Tips for Young Women

Heart Health Tips for Young Women

Christina Neal, MHS, PA-C Heart disease is often thought of as a concern for older adults, but the truth is that heart health starts early. The habits young women develop in their teens and twenties lay the foundation for long-term cardiovascular wellness. One of the...
Heart Health and Menopause

Heart Health and Menopause

Marcia Y. L. Parris, MD Menopause is a major transition, and it is also a turning point for heart health. As estrogen levels decline, the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other cardiovascular issues rises. Many women who have never had heart concerns...
The Gratitude Attitude

The Gratitude Attitude

If your parents repeatedly exhorted you to count your blessings, it may well prove to be one of the best pieces of medical advice they shared. In this season of giving and thankfulness, we share a brief synopsis of how gratitude – defined as appreciation of what...